Vintage Lure Collections & Annual Awards

Lure Collections

Each year at the Lure & Fly Expo we exhibit collections of rare or vintage fishing lures. This celebrates the history of Australian lures & lure makers while ackowledging their influence on later generations of lures.
The Collections Area usually consists of 5 booths made available for 5 collection displays / cabinets.
These may be a table top cabinet or wall hang type & can be 2 cabinets if they are part of the one brand or collection theme.

Each booths is 2400mm x 2400mm with carpeted wall panels. Tables are supplied (if required) and if any collector wants to exclude people from their allocated area it can be roped off across the front.

Entering a Collection

If anyone wishes to be a part of the Lure Collections at the Australian Lure & Fly Expo, get in touch with organisers with information on which brand of lures or which theme you wish to display.
All collections should be in a closed / sealed / lockable cabinet or display case.

The 5 chosen collectors get:

  • a 2 day pass into the expo,
  • a ticket to the awards dinner,
  • chance of winning the Best Collection Award.
“The Expo is a huge event for Aussie lure makers to get together and show our lures. To meet customers and catch up with fellow makers. Sharing knowledge and socialising is a highlight.”

Matt Fraser - Bramabah Lures

Proudly supported by the Queensland Government